For Android: 2.3 and up | Guide: 魔塔新版:龍族覺醒(黃金版)~~打發時間好游戲,百玩不膩,劇情和關卡衆多A cheats tutorial |
When updated: 2018-06-06 | Star Rating: 3.6388888 |
Name: 魔塔新版:龍族覺醒(黃金版)~~打發時間好游戲,百玩不膩,劇情和關卡衆多A hack for android | Extension: Apk |
Author: SharpenPlay Entertainment | File Name: com.sharpenplay.motapaid |
Current Version: 1.2.7 | User Rating: Everyone |
Downloads: 1000- | Version: mod, apk, unlock |
System: Android | Type: Education |
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