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For Android: 4.0 and up Guide: Twomon USB - USB Monitor cheats tutorial
When updated: 2018-03-05 Star Rating: 3.2
Name: Twomon USB - USB Monitor hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: easynlight File Name: com.devguru.eltwomonusb
Current Version: 1.1.38 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 10000-50000 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch Turn ANY Tablet into a Dual Display - TwomonUSB video.

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Watch Using android tablet as second monitor [TUTORIAL] video.

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Watch USB Dualmonitor App, TwomonUSB video.

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Watch Twomon USB Lag Test video.

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Watch Android tablet as computer monitor video.

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Twomon USB - USB Monitor related image

Watch How to use your Android tablet as a second display via USB video.

Twomon USB - USB Monitor related image

Watch Tablet as 2nd screen for pc(all by an app) cheap second monitor video.

Twomon USB - USB Monitor related image

Watch 7 Monitors on Windows 7 with USB 3.0 video.

Twomon USB - USB Monitor related image

Watch My second monitor, TwomonUSB video.

Twomon USB - USB Monitor related image


About the application:

=============================================※ If you can not use Three finger input touch gestures on htc device, Change setting to OFF in Settings > Display, gestures & buttons (or Display & buttons). Then, it will work properly!=============================================Smart device becomes a monitor by connecting it with PC via USB! The Convenient Connect TwomonUSB TwomonUSB is now released. Now, use TwomonUSB which is easy and quick. Smartphone and computer can be used as a dual monitor easily by connecting with TwomonUSB. TwomonUSB is stable while using since it is not affected by the network. TwomonUSB provides the quick video play with Average 40 frames/sec of smooth display output. ※ Before the Purchase Connection is accessible only when PC tool and USB driver of smart device are installed in PC. Any of the following three content in this apk if you can not run properly. One. Windows 7 + system display two or more + Number of monitors connected to the computer currently(All of the conditions applicable) Two. Two. If you use a USB monitor (DisplayLink driver is in use) Three. Installing the Windows OS environment, the Virtual Machine ※ In order to use the Twomon as the main monitor,You need to set to directly move to the desktop when you boot computer. So, you need to delete the password or set the "automatic login".Available Devices : Android device 4.0 or later Accessible PC OS : Windows XP or later / Mac OSX 10.7 or later If you need instructions or detailed info of the product, please visit the mainpage. (http://www.easynlight.com/)

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* Fixed the minor issue
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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Frank Nentenaar: Love twomonusb Works true awesome, smooth and your device becomes a true monitor. I love it! Thanks. Would love it if you can create it so we can identify the smartphone as oculus hmd, I think lots of people would be exteem satisfied if this should be done.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-08

  • Gene Ting: Good tiny utility Was looking for a cheap and simple method to add a 2nd display to my laptop w/o buying anymore junk. This beautiful much fit the bill! Assuming that your device can be listed with "adb devices", this utility works like a dream with my Nook HD+ with CM11, and no lag! Edited: They solved the mouse lag trouble! Yay!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-29

  • Mike Knapek: Excellent!! Was worried about it because of reviews but worked a treat! I used my macbook and my nexus 9 smartphone and it works perfectly! I no lag. Yes it might be expensive but save up you Google opinions cash and you can but it for nothing! Definitely suggest!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-04-23

  • Roger Sipson: Don't give up easily I installed and should not receive it to work. Then I tried at least three another solutions and they did not work. I had seen a YouTube video of it working and it looked good so I tried once more. This time I used a various usb cable and it worked. DANGER! Some usb cables are charge only. I am running Windows 10 and have Marshmallow on my Samsung S2 so it works with current tool..
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-06-31

  • Paul Leung: Unbelievable Connecting my notepro 12.2 to my HP notebook. Got it working with just a few trial and error with the settings. Good resolution. They have just fixed the mouse lagging problem in the current ver. Works good.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-30

  • Victor M. Christiansenn: Good apk for Android device tablets
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-06-16

  • William Yang: Work just like it's supposed to It'll be difficult for people who don't know how to use a PC but it does work and it works perfectly.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-09

  • Daniel Witzel: Works as advertised, just in windows 10 you may have to manually install the MTP driver (as with any MTP device) and do the ADB device find as listed in assist for the smartphone to link. on my cheap Trio 10.1" and high performance video setting I got a rather fluid experience with the resolution at 854x480 (yes, a cheap smartphone lol). cool program to have a second portable display in a pinch
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-12-27

  • Richard Thanki: Unbelievable A portable secondary monitor on the go. Works perfectly with Tab S and MacBook Air
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-12-05

  • Tin Hang Liu: It worked! I bought TwoMon USB on Google Play and installed the client on MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2015, MacOS Sierra) Experience: - method faster then Splashtop Wired XDisplay (gratis ver) and another via WiFi - a tiny bit of lag sometimes on videos and some apks, still very acceptable - frame rate decent - auto-connect works excellent - having a secondary portable monitor is good!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-12-23

  • Peter Weidman: Worked instantly. I love the interface telling you the connections are in put or not. Exactly what I was looking for to use my old 13" smartphone.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-06-12

  • Dani Kang: Perfect gadget ! I read about this apk somebody used it for connecting his smartphone on his notebook for work purposes on the go. It works very smooth and is really plug'nplay. I'm very satisfied with it because I almost bought a secondary us lcd monitor. But I already had a smartphone. So ! Thumbs up!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-12-07

  • Kevin J: Does what promess. It's a awesome alternative to have a auxiliary monitor.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-09

  • Aymaan El: Almost seamless, love the resolution. Only thing is that the taskbar on the main display disappears
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-02-27

  • Sergio Rebelo: Works on every device I have I got an Xperia Z smartphone and also got a Moto X (2014) and both of them work. At first it gave me a few issues, but the next day, after all the devices restarted, everything works as it could :) Just what I wanted!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-05-09

  • Matt Fouts: I JUST installed this. It took me about 10 mins of download, playing around with settings, etc. to receive it right with my smartphone, but it works good! I'm only using it for a second display for office kind work....MS Office suite, email, etc. Pointers: Remember to turn on USB debugging on your smartphone. The Display settings are accessed from the TwoMon apk on your desktop, not through the normal right-click on the desktop menu. Figure out what your smartphone display size is before going in so that it connects at the right resolution. In the TwoMon desktop apk there is a setting: Display Setting>TwoMon Virtual display. On my first connection my smartphone screen flashed white a couple times then returned to normal. It wasn't recognized. I turned this setting off and the system detected my smartphone no trouble. I'm $9.09 satisfied with this apk. At the time of this post there is a 2 hour trial period where you can easily receive a refund through the Android device shop, but the devs seem responsive from what I've seen on the another comments if you have an problem. 11-17: Just upgraded to 5 stars. No complaints.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-11-18

  • Wisava Somchai: I love this apk. Work very well with my galaxy note 10.1 (2012 edition)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-01-10

  • Ivaylo Petrov: Good Just few clicks and it that is it working excellent
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-09-09

  • Jesse Singh: Best program to use android device as PC monitor. I have tried a few! Good implementation but interface can use some assist.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-02-25

  • Dheerayod Vom P.: best of the type. Excellent for non-apple smartphone with different resolution to create it run full screen. I got the best response rate and frame rate from this apk.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-02-21

  • George Dimitropoulos: Best tenner ever Connected a Windows 10 ... Asus vivotab note 8 to a nexus 10! Using a Samsung note 2 for bluetooth keyboard mouse LOL. If it does not work for you, download google USB driver for Windows ADB USB from google. English instructions are very problematic. Receive a fluent English speaker to fix them. Most of your awful reports are the adb USB thing. Congrats for your feat, want you best of success!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-08-17

  • Alan Mo: thanks for a unbelievable apk works nicely :) and I hope you continue to help it as it's the only apk that allows my macbook air to use my samsung note 10.1 2014 edition as a second screen!! Edit: The make batter just created the second screen much faster! Thanks for your continued development into this apk. Recommendation: When scrolling with two fingers, swiping down moves a page down. The more "natural" method of scrolling is swiping down with two fingers to move a page up.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-03-31

  • John Willis: Works Very Well. Create sure the PC auto logs on, or has a fingerprint reader to complete logon and begin Two PC Mon server. Configure TwoMonUSB to Autoconnect. Super Necessary > Begin > Control Panel > Mouse > Pointers > Scheme > Magnify (system) this solves Mouse cursor offset trouble. Use soundwire apk to forward PC audio to Android device. Video very low latency at 1334 x750 resolution. Defaults to extended display, place three fingers on display to receive Mirror or Single desktop mode. Swipe Left or Right. iOS apk is virtually identical works with same Two PC mon service installed on a PC. Works with Victory 8.1, Win7.. and another versions of Windows. I blog and youtube videoblog about it.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-04-12

  • Andrew Beasley: Finally an apk that works In all honesty, this apk actually works and works well. Totally worth the cash. Sure its not quite just plug and play but its better than Splashtop and iDisplay because it effing works with low latency!!! Thanks guys.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-04-15

  • Eric van buskirk: Good!!!!!!! This apk is good! Worked perfectly too. All I had to do was modernize my windows 7 drivers for my galaxy tab 4 8". I am a service tech and cant even begin to explain how helpful it is to be able to turn my smartphone into a second monitor for my laptop when im out in the field. I ran this for a 5 hour period when I installed it and my battery on my smartphone never dropped a percent. I will probably use this every day! I can't say enough about this apk. Definitely worth the 9 something dollars!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-17

  • Jacqueline Wee: Works well for me! I had an old Samsung smartphone that I wanted to repurpose as a portable monitor. I downloaded this apk and it worked perfectly! (I have a Dell xps on Windows 10). It does lag a bit when dragging the mouse around on the smartphone side, but I mostly use arrow keys (I generally just use the additional true estate to reference photos and cycle through them), so it doesn't bother me.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-09-27

  • Kristopher Blackwood: Works good Don't be fooled by the awful reviews. Some of them are due to people not reading the documentation thoroughly which is not the fault of this developer. Some of them are due to specific hardware configurations which is not the fault of this developer. Some of them are due to people having problem finding and installing the USB drivers for their specific device which is the fault of the device manufacturer, not this developer.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-09-07

  • Samuel Salwei: Works
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-03-04

  • Marcel Read: Good apk to extend macbook pro screen I was unsure on this apk, reviews are a bit hit and miss but thought I'd test it. Very simple to setup, resolution looks very readable (don't test and change resolution via the normal Mac settings page, the resolution goes crazy and I had to reinstall). When travelling I will definitely use this solution
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-15

  • Barry Donlin: Works good! Took a possibility versus mixed reviews. I'm using a Samsung Note 10.1 2014 Edition with a Dell XPS15 and it works almost seamlessly. Mouse tracks ok with no lag. Very responsive...even watched video on it and it was better than ok. It's good compared to the another related products out there and no need for additional hardware. Followed the instructions-Downloaded tool from their website, installed, plugged in smartphone and done. You can even change resolution and another options with their tool. So far, so good!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-08-24

  • Reginald Atkins: GOT IT WORKING! ...and so we go up to 5 stars!! Fine guys here's the kicker you *MUST* download and install the google USB driver for your android device device, by default the device doesn't install a driver in windows and has a warning in device manager. Even if your device is working perfectly ok in windows that doesn't mean the device driver was installed. Once that is taken care of it works just ok. TwomonUSB will still present "no device connected" but it works just ok when you bring up the apk on your smartphone!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-04-10

  • Gyorgy Lukacs: Works good for me. I had to reset everything a couple of times, installed the USB drive the application asked me on Windows and then everything started working eventually. And bugged unnecessarily the help guys in the process but they were prompt and patient. Nexus 7 2013 and Windows 7
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-16

  • RusticSam: No problems. Simple to use. Thanks!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-10-03

  • Jinho Choi: I've bought it to use to receive some use out of aging tablets that are collecting dust on my desk, and it delivered far more than I expected. I'm running a little 7 inch smartphone as a third monitor, and it's working very well. I've tried its competitor Splashtop XDisplay, and this one is far more superior. Splashtop kept flickering, and it would only have smartphone as a second monitor (as opposed to a third monitor), and there were just a handful of low res options accessible. Twomon wins hands down.First off, Twomon doesn't flicker, and it would allow you stream even the 1080p res desktop, even if the letters are not legible on such a little screen. Overall, I'm very happy with my purchase, and I'd suggest it over its another competitors.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-12-18

  • Simon Ljung: Works good. After all the hassle with installing adb and USB drivers it works good.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-10-11

  • Chi Lee: works bit fiddly to set up, but once done, works and better than most related solutions
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-02-15

  • Alex G.: Mac/Android Mac ver early 2015, with Samsung Tab SM 520. Works like a charm! TwoMon is used for mostly text display, performance is awesome.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-08-11

  • Long Tran: The Twomon help squad is good. It took awhile for the initial answer but, once they were working on my case, they were very helpful and were prompt with replies. I followed up with the log extractions to assist them diagnose and fix the trouble. The problem was resolved but they also offered to refund my purchase without any hassle if it wasn't. My smartphone is now recognized and can be used as a second monitor. It's the best tool of its type that I have used so far.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-03

  • Calvin Park: Fast simple set up but still some lagginess. 빠르고 쉬운 셋업 하지만 렉은 있어 This application is fast and simple to install. (Mac + Android device combination). works as advertised. It does seem to use quite a bit of system resource but any mac from latest two years with 4GB ram or so would handle better(I should only try mine on 2011 MBA). Also when external display is running quicktime seems to not to work some how... or very slowly. Once more this should be my computer problem. Set up: simple and smooth. method easier then wireless connection set up. install on both devices and cable then done. Smoothness: it is not smooth it very much feels like 10-15fps. So this probably is not suitable for gaming purpose. Or outputting PC monitor signal to use it as some sort of Virtual Reality headset device. Based on you tube videos this seems to be the case on Windows side as well. Changing resolution does not do much Connection: is stable compared Overall: works as expected. Mac ver works well despite being alpha. Quicktime problems needs to be fixed. Not for gaming unless you are willing to stand slow fps.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-10-18

  • Dean Ward: Really good! Able to use the full resolution of my smartphone with very minimal lag. Massively impressed!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-06-31


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