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For Android: 2.3 and up Guide: Tradewars Mobile cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-10-03 Star Rating: 4.0882354
Name: Tradewars Mobile hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Hordequester File Name: com.hordeq.twarsmobile
Current Version: 2.7d User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 500- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch Tradewars Mobile Preview video.

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Watch Tradewars Mobile - Basic Usage video.

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Watch Tradewars Mobile - Hello World Script video.

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Watch How To Play: TradeWars 2002! Retro BBSing in 2019 video.

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Watch Trade Wars 2002 (01) video.

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Watch TradeWars 2002 ANSI art gallery video.

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Watch "Retro BBS Game: TradeWars 2002" - Lunduke's Happy Place video.

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Watch Trade Wars 2002 (Intro) video.

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Watch TradeWars FirstMate sector view test. video.

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Watch TradeWars 2002 / 1990s ANSI-based BBS Game video.

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About the application:

Tradewars Mobile is a fully ANSI.SYS compatible Telnet helper for playing Tradewars 2002. It has complete graphics and animation help. Included is a range of commonly-used scripts and a detailed database system for sector data, port pair details. bubble finding, and another different functions. Contains a full scripting engine and editor as well as the ability to load scripts from SDCard. Pre-made Scripts with descriptions: #Sector Database# This is a full system to track all sector info including Org/Equip pairs, SSM pairs, Bubbles, and highly dense places. Scripts will continue to run while in this place so, don't be scared to go look. The header at the top of the sector database has links for the different data tables. Loading time may increase slightly the more sectors that become explored depending on the section loaded and your device's power. The Sector Database and the Script panel can both be vertically dragged to scroll (Or with the database's scroll bar). #World Trade# This script will go through all unvisited sectors in a see-next formation and will trade down any O/E port pairs found along the method. Used in conjunction with the server configuration max hops to decide how far apart port pairs could be. It will stop trading after the port falls to 20% or below to conserve turns/profits and move to the next unknown sector with density lower than the server configuration max density. It will also attack any Figs that can be killed by you automatically and back off wars that it can't victory. This script could only to be used in high turn mini games. Requires at least a Density Scanner. #Populate Move# This script will transfer colonists from Terra to the fuel section of the first planet in the system it was started from. Be sure to check the path first, it will not scan. #Populate TWarp# This script will TWarp to Terra and transfer colonists to the fuel section of the first planet in the sector it was started from. Be sure to drop a fig first. Has primary blind warp safety but it is not infallible. #Trade % >Sector# These scripts will automatically display when any port pair is found matching the sector you're currently in. Clicking one will begin automatic port pair trading until one of the ports reaches 20% or lower. Be sure to check the path first, it will not scan ahead. The % tells you the latest known lowest percentage between the two ports. #SST# This script will only present up when you are below -100 alignment. It will sell and steal at the current port, then teleport to the first ship in range, and repeat the sell steal. It will continue to do so until canceled or Busted. Does not have previous bust checking so be sure to know where you are. It requires you to set up your ships ahead of time with full equipment. Suggested to overstock equipment a bit to acc for port decay, the script will not adjust for it. #SSM# This script will only present up when you are below -100 alignment. SSM pairs will automatically be calculated and displayed as links when you come into a sector that has a SSM pair within 2 hops. It will sell and steal at the current sector then move to the next sector from the link that was chosen. Requires you to currently be holding full equipment. Suggested to overstock equipment a bit to acc for port decay, the script will not adjust for it. Note: You may force the apk to exit by using the Back button while on the Connect screen. Also, this apk was designed for 800x480(1280x768) but has scaling for all resolutions. Not guaranteed to look exactly like the pictures in another resolutions. Disclaimer: TradeWars® is copyrighted by EIS(Epic Interactive Tactic) Online.

Tradewars Mobile Hack - Gallery:

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Tradewars Mobile hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in Tradewars Mobile:
Update to possibly fix rare disappearing keyboard bug on some devices.
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • pegasusmicro Warren Schaible: I absolutely love this apk. Can only praise programmer. I have been playing trade fights for over 20 years. This is Zeus.. I have only one script I ever released for Trade Fights Zeus Twarp Colonizer. This tool is a standalone twxproxy, but various scripting engine. You can connect to twxproxy using this apk, and tool this apk to be just like swath on your smartphone. The programmer has lost some data somehow, but is still providing good customer service. Best spent dollar of my life. Hope to see some of my old mates out there once more.. TBH, Kewlbreeze, Vid Child, LoneStar, phX, Thor, EP.. just a wave hello all. Cya round. Tradewars will never die!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-04-24

  • David Alphonso: Good method to play TradeWars 2002 on your Droid! Thanks for making this "helper." I updated my review. Developer seems nice and responsive. Love his responses to awful reviews.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-03-25

  • Bare Bare: Works excellent on my Note5. I would have never imagined to search a TradeWars apk and is a pleasant surprise. BEWARE OF KAL DURAK
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-01-03

  • Jeff Frank: Runs good, and works well on my GS4. I thought the screen might be too little to comfortably fit the menus. The helper screens are right there with you all the method, and scripts are simple to fire. Well done!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-03-31

  • Op3y 009: wise i can stop a script after i begin or have it stop when truns are low. work awesome with twproxy. hope to see updates soon
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-04-14

  • Joshua Rhodes: I love the apk. I have hosted servers and played off and on for years. Good apk would like more scripts for it eventually, but this is a good begin. If you need a server to play go to the tw site all of us that actively host have servers listed in their jumpgate. A lot of of us will host custom mini games at a request.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-09-05

  • Deceptiv Vanu: Rock on!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-08-32

  • Will Smith: OK anyone know a server still running
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-10-04

  • JT Bowlin: Really good to see a TW2002 apk and the dev provided awesome help when I had problems.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-11-31

  • Brian Hole: Unbelievable helper! Note to anyone who buys, like the author says, this is a telnet helper! Do a find for gratis active TW2002 mini games, there's dozens of them out there! Haven't tried to write my own script yet, but the ones built in are good!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-08-11

  • Rodney Bonner: I really like this apk. It works well to play the mini game. The only problem I have is the enter or return key on my external keyboard makes a # enstead of working as the enter key. Also it would be nice to hide the on screen keyboard when using an exterrnal keyboard but not a major problem.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-24

  • Cjekzoo Kawasaki: I'd like to run it on my android device I receive no further than main screen what am doing wrong do I need connection to a host website played it in az 15 yrs ago wish to come back
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-06-26

  • Christopher Brandon: Looked for one of these some years back, nice to see a awesome working tw2002 apk. Can't wait to see more features. Fingers crossed for some macro buttons and community scripting.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-05-20

  • Larry blank: Bring back lots of memories of playing it when I was younger it looks excellent like it did before just want I knew of servers that I should connect to to play
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-09

  • Panagiotis Papandreou: is there a method to receive the mini game begin it?. I test using the router ip doesn't work for me as I see it on YouTube, I got it to work on my computer thank you. found a tool that I'll turn my computer into the mini game server.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-06-04

  • Troy Kellogg: Should use some polish. Ability to scroll up is sorely missed. The scripts are nice, just a tiny clunky overall
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2016-09-09

  • Wes Smith: Full scripting help, good ANSI display. Apk sometimes crashes out while running the onboard globe trade or paired port scripts
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2015-05-07

  • Cleveland Prescott: Is there away to modernize the database if I use your helper after I have been playing a mini game like you can do in swath and any another PC based helper. In a mini game on I have been playing for awhile I have 94 percent explored, But your helper thinks I just started the mini game and shows no port pairs I have currently in the mini game. The PC based helpers can modernize their database with the current status of the ports I have explored. So I am I missing some method to do you this with your helper. Thanks for your time :)
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2014-07-30

  • Sven Siegmund: Doesn't work on Pixel 3. After putting in the server address it cannot connect and hangs. It does work on the Google Pixel smartphone, although the screen is missing about 20% of the right part. I did not try the scripts.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2018-12-16

  • FIRST MILLION: please explain how to use this apk, cant receive it to work, 5 stars if u explain
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2019-03-16

  • Richard R: You have to setup your own server or connect to one already up (if you can search one). Yeah its good mini game for the throwback element,, but if you're looking for a stand-alone tradewars this isn't it. Yes its good it still works like it used to! I was just angry when I found out I had to run a server myself or search one. Yeh its more fun to run your own server and play by yourself and have total admin control, but then where is the challenge? Thanks to programmer for making this tool, now please create it stand alone or have some generic server that is programmed into the mini game that will work on begin, not just a glorified telnet client.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2015-06-29

  • Cliff Harris: Can't receive the ap to work :(
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2016-08-22

  • J P: Does not work on my Note8
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-04-12

  • David Gutnik: I bought this mini game simply because i loved it as a child. I would love a fresh mini game like this created maybe in a warpath feel. This was one of the first mmo's
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2016-02-05

  • Drakitz: Couldn't figure out how to work the apk. Went to the website for servers but don't see what to kind in. I'm a large trade fights fanatic and just really wish to play once more. Any assist would be appreciated.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2017-02-25

  • Robert Hamilton: Globe Trade script always enters a price of zero. If the script is buying something, a price of zero aborts the trade. If the script is selling something, a price of zero GIVES IT AWAY which the port is glad to take. There is a "script editor" on the first screen but it only edits the begin script. The load script button does nothing. There is no method to fix the broken trade script. The telnet client database and custom keyboard work. You can play the mini game but without working scripts it's painfully slow
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2016-09-18


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