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For Android: 6.0 and up Guide: SteamPunked cheats tutorial
When updated: 2022-03-12 Star Rating: 0
Name: SteamPunked hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Michigan State University CSE476 File Name: edu.msu.cse476.steampunked
Current Version: 1.1 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1-3 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

This is a easy two user mini game that is played on a single device. The object of the mini game is to put pipe that will connect a steam source to a steam engine so it can power your airship. Of course, you wish to do this before your enemy does. The champion is the first one to connect steam to their engine with no leaks and turn on the valve. When the mini game first starts, two text boxes for the users to enter their names, a selection of playing place sizes, and a button to begin the mini game. The users enter their names and begin the mini game. The mini game then begins a turn. Users alternate in turns, with the screen indicating who's turn it currently is. There is an place for five pipes that are accessible to the user. The playing place above has a grid of one of three sizes chosen in the opening screen: 5 by 5 10 by 10 20 by 20 A valve that is the source for each user is on the left and a connection for the users steam engine is on the right. The names are under the valves. The steam connections are not directly across, but rather offset a bit, so you have to use an elbow somewhere. A user always has five accessible pipes. Each turn they drag a pipe onto the playing place. They can rotate the pipe and place it where they wish. If they press install, the pipe snaps to the nearest grid and nearest rotation multiple of 90 degrees only if it can connect there. If it can't connect, a notice is presented saying the move is invalid. A pipe can connect if two flanges meet. Pipes can split and reconnect. There is a cap to close a pipe section. Once connected, the turn ends. If they press discard, the pipe section they were dragging is discarded and the turn ends. Each time a pipe is either placed or discarded, it is replaced with a fresh, randomly chosen pipe. Surrender indicates that a user gives up. It could jump to a page that indicates the winner. If user has a completely connected pipe, they press Begin Valve to turn on the steam. If there is a leak in their pipe, they lose. If they have successfully connected the source to the destination, they win. The tactic is clearly to connect the source to the steam engine first. However, since both users play on the same grid, it is possible for a user to block other user, thereby ensuring they victory. A user is not allowed to add pipe to the another player's pipes. Surrender indicates that a user gives up. It could jump to a page that indicates the winner. If user has a completely connected pipe, they press Begin Valve to turn on the steam. If there is a leak in their pipe, they lose. If they have successfully connected the source to the destination, they victory.

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