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For Android: 4.0 and up Guide: Seasons of Love cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-02-02 Star Rating: 3.94
Name: Seasons of Love hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: NTT Solmare Corp. File Name: com.nttsolmare.game.android.scf2ep
Current Version: 1.1.0 User Rating: Teen
Downloads: 10000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

Dear Android device Q Users, This application asks a permission to access your device storage when you first begin the apk, as this is the method to save your progress and data. We would never use your private data for any purposes. Seasons of love -Scarlet Fate II- (original title Shirahana no Ori -Hiiro no Kakera 4- Shiki no Uta) is a sequel to “Scarlet Fate -Fragments of the past-”, one of the a lot of successful romance visual novel mini games from the popular “Otomate” brand from Idea Factory known for critically acclaimed titles such as “Hakuoki”, “Demons’ Bond” and “Amnesia.” With its story beautifully rendered in all four seasons of ancient Japan, “Seasons of love -Scarlet Fate II-” will impress all romance visual novel lovers! 1.Story Introduction Song of Spring: This is the sequel to “Scarlet Fate”. Blooming in the warmth of spring, the heroine and each of her five comrades, men who fought to gratis her from her fate, can now be couples in these individual stories. Have fun the days filled with happiness and love which finally come after overcoming the harsh winter season! Summer Festival: In Kifu village, the heroine and her five comrades decide to carry out the Summer Festival. With another unique guests joining in the festival, they create uproar, fighting over her, creating a lively summer night stage. It is a story full of passion and humor, and a user will search “him” even more beautiful in a Yukata, summer kimono. Autumn Harvest: A collection of short stories about everyday life of the heroine and her comrades. There are five themes: “Sleeping Together”, “Food Together”, “Squabble”, “Holiday Afternoon” and “Secret Meeting”, each having two versions: “Lovers” and “Princess & Knight”. The user will see unexpected sides of them and will have a possibility to receive unique photos. Winter Snowflakes: Untold stories of “Scarlet Fate -Fragments of the past-”. Akifusa’s best mate Tomonori and Gentoka’s sworn mate Aterui are now main heroes. Tormented in their position, they waver, yet war for the heroine to be released from their fate. Reading these hidden stories will assist the user understand the globe of “Scarlet Fate” even deeper. 2.FEATURES 1) Stories beautifully rendered in all four seasons of ancient Japan, superb images and exquisite background music. 2) Together with the stories of the five comrades from “Scarlet Fate”, another stories of Tomonori and Aterui start in the “Winter Snowflake”.  3) Opponents from “Scarlet Fate” appear in an unexpected method in the “Summer Festival”, showing another sides of them. 4) We offer a unique price for the set of multiple stories, or regular price for a single story. 3.FOLLOW US facebook.com/ShallWeDate.NTTSolmare (Don’t forget to LIKE us if you have fun our game!) youtube.com/user/ShallWeDate 4.ABOUT US Thank you very much for your interests and downloads of our mini games! NTT Solmare is a mini game company especially focusing to bring Japanese visual novels and Otome mini games to the globe! We sincerely hope enjoying our mini games and give us feedback!

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Changes in Seasons of Love:
[Upgrade Description for version 1.1.0]<br><br>Minor bugs fixed.<br><br>Thank you for playing &quot;Shall we date?: Seasons of love&quot;!
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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • mj casuga: Scarlet Fate and Scarlet Fatell are one of the BEST otome mini games there is! Really engaging storyline and likeable heroes. &lt;3 I especially love how the main hero is not just some helpless girl. She has power and can seriously war. I really had fun playing her role. The background story is really awesome, too. Sadly, there's no BGM but the story is so engrossing that I actually didn't mind it so much. &lt;3 I'm super satisfied about the sequels + Tomonori's and Aterui's routes. Can't wait for more! &lt;3
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-03-11

  • phantom of the opera's super phan: I love mini games like this
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-08-20

  • Aries: It's good. Just want that Aterui was in the first ver of Scarlet Fate. Thank you for this good mini game.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-12-16

  • Mer Ampersand: The only reason stories are inconsistent is becsuse this is additional content from Otomate fanatic disk. Mini game is COMPLETED!!! And won't have any more stories, fortunately. Calling it dating sim is misleading and doesnt even remotely do it justice. A large disservice to this fabulous deep story with unbelievable artThis has a WONDERFULmc, stories that are deep as a true novel.It's not sone stupid dating sim for salivating fangirls who prefer generic, simple pulp writing, smut and naked chests and shallow "romance". this for clever users with sensitivity and brain who actually wish OTOME STORIES. I'm really satisfied for this fanatic disc, very poetic.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-02-03

  • Shawn Adkins: Oh by method I'm a girl. This mini game I love I have all and I mean ALL of NTT Solmare Corps mini games and the wons I downloaded was all gratis so no pay in the story only for the coin if I wanted to buy them. XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-01-17

  • ashla putri: heart melting to drive a jomblo like me
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-25

  • Vee: I.. i cant say enough about how much i love this mini game, since voltage left i was lost but thanks to this mini game i found hope. I bout the stroy of Aterue (hope spelled that right lol 😂😂) anywho i love this mini game i cant wait to receive every story in this one. With love you will have hope; that someone will assist tutorial you and annoy you till you give in to search the light. I know for this one it assist me laugh and have fun this mini game.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-02-10

  • Bailey Cofer: I'm satisfied to have more of the shall we date mini games I have every one of them downloaded and finish 3 I suddjest playing these mini games if u like butterfly result mini games
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-11-29

  • Scatty Katty: What happened? My pad was slow so I did a factory restart and now apparently even though i'm using the same pad on the same ver of android device my device is no longer compatible with this mini game? I have bought both fresh story routes and now can't play either. Please fix this!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-12-19

    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-29

  • Chuyo Tasogare: Total is $38.92 If you already read songs of spring,the gratis side stories from the first mini game
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-02-12

  • Suki Chan YT: I love it
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-09-20

  • Era: Tomonori's story is BEAUTIFUL I've played it twice now, this mini game is by far my favorite out of all the mini games. Tomonori's story is the only one I've played, but I was not disappointed! First of all, I am immersed every time, Tomonori is probably mostly my kind but from a hero quality stand point, he is so perfectly formed, he has a defined personality yet he doesn't feel "robotic" in the sense where he doesn't stick to just acting like that, after all, no human has just one personality trait. The art, the dialog, the CGs, all of his route is just excellent. I haven't played the others, though I want to soon, I'll probably modernize my comment and review them later.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-01-19

  • A. D.S.: It's unhappy how a lot of ppl just down rated this apk for being a paid apk. I honestly search it childish 😧 and immature. If you can't afford it then just don't be rude and ruin it to others.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-12-29

  • Laura Wolffis: I loved the first "Scarlets Fate", now I can add this mini game to my must play list! Eeeek! Thank you!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-11-27

  • Ms S: I adore kuso and shiki. Good stories-as far as otome goes. Most otome is cheap cliche without any finesse but this here are full fledged enjoyable stories with subtlety. I wish more like this:otome with meaning not some voltage quick consumerist porn. This has HEART and soul, unlike most otome, esp for mobile. I LOVE IT-when I HATE otome in general cause no one care to write awesome stories with authentic bonds. Bonds here receive as authentic as they can in this ridiculousmy cheap genre
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-10-30

  • Cindy: Love it
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-27

  • Otome Chibi: I'm glad I checked on this today. This will give me just that much more to look forward too & have fun!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-11-26

  • Gosia S: Such attractive story, deeply involving on all counts. I wish more mini games like this
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-06-20

  • A Google user: I love it so much it is so cool
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-10-11

  • Rin bartlett: Love it
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-12-12

  • Kary V: So satisfied and excited that finally Aterui and Tomonori are out ! Was waiting for such a long time. Attractive story &lt;3
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-04-31

  • Faith Lee: I love the story bc i like it how the realationship doesnt begin yet but only later bc they begin to know their feelings for eachother even though they might have been childhood mates.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-08-23

  • Lene Lene: I love the first Scarlet Fate and this one just as much. It's definitely a lot light-hearted and the scenarios are silly so it's a nice change from the darker theme from the first one :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-11-31

  • Scorpio Witch: The stories and the art is so awesome i hope you guys can create more mini games like this one.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-03-20

  • Matthew Reed: It is my fresh otp yay i dont know what otp means i just love the story create more
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-01-28

  • Amber Easley: Love mini games
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-07

  • Quaesita Undix: The art is just as awesome as the previous mini game, and this time there is melody ! Very attractive melody, too. Though there were some annoyingly abrupt stops of the melody in Tomonori's story. No annoying spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Unlike the previous Scarlet Fate, this gave has four series of stories, three of which have a ver for each hero (Gentoka, Kuso, Kodonomae, Furutsugu and Akifusa). "Song of Spring" is a sequel to the previous story, "Summer Festival" is a short story set afterwards. "Autumn Harvest" a group of five independent very short stories about the everyday life of Shiki and whoever after the end of the main story, more short epilogues than sequels really. The three have five versions, one for each of the heroes routes of Scarlet Fate I. "Winter Snowflakes" is various, it is other ver of the story of Scarlet Fate I but with another heroes : there is a route for Tomonori and one for Aterui. I only have read Kuso's ver of the three sequel stories for now, and "Song of Spring" was quite awesome. Not as much as the previous one, but that was to be expected. "Autumn Harvest" had some beautiful stories, not much event but I think that was the point. It is nice to see that Shiki and whoever can still stand each another once things settle down from battling shadow monsters and end of the globe demons, but it was too annoyingly cheerful at times. Besides, I realized I liked Kuso much better went he was more of a jerk, though I am not sure that says nice things about me. He's still likeable, though. "Summer Festival" was confusing and over the top, it felt like too much forced comedy. Almost everybody is annoying in this one. As for "Winter Snowflakes", I read Tomonori's story, and it was really perfect ! His story does not have the same structure and follow the same happenings as did all the routes of Scarlet Fate I, instead everything takes put in the capital (it skips everything event before, as it was already covered in Scarlet Fate I, so before reading Tomonori's story I suggest having read one of the main stories of Scarlet Fate I which create you go to the capital instead of the spirit globe, like Furutsugu's, so that you understand the context when Tomonori's story begins). It really is a unbelievable story. When I read Scarlet Fate I, I was disappointed not to have a route for Tomonori, as he was an interesting hero (the part when he has the diviners basically slay themselves to assist Shiki ?! O_O), and I should not have wished for a better story. I really like Kuso better as a hero, but I feel that Tomonori's story is much more fitting for Shiki. P.S. here are some things I did not understand in Summer Festival : "Song of Spring" mentionned that Kamimusubi should present herself in the mortal globe even though she's dead, since she is an all strong god of creation and all that, which explains how she appears in "Summer Festival". But that does NOT explain how Kazanami can also be there, even though Kuso killed him, especially since "Song of Spring" also mentionned that he was in the underworld and that Kamimusubi was not allowed to tell Kuso anything about him. I am also puzzled as to how Kazanami went from crazy guy so obssessed with revenge that he got killed by his brother in Scarlet Fate I to annoying matchmaker not at all mad at his brother for killing him in Summer Festival. And how can convicing his brother to have lots of kids is supposed to assist revive his guild when Kuso is not from his guild anymore ?...
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-09-11

  • Gaming Channel: The story is good and everything else too. Thank you so much NTT Solmare for bringing Aterui story on this apk 😍
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-09-05

  • Aria Spears: Is there a possible method to actualy assist in writing the scripts for the shall we date series and pitching in ideas for possibly fresh apks to add to the series so more people like my self can download more shall we dates.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-04-03

  • Mc Nuggets: this is my favorite series of all time want there was more of a continuation
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-08-28

  • Yeya: Duhhhhh
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-07-27

  • Durga: I loved how there's a story for tomonori in this. His is the only story I bought so far because I've always wanted to play his route since he had such a awful ending in akifusa's route. I'm glad that he finally got his satisfied ending. I'll soon buy the another stories for the rest of the guys but for now it's OK. Thanks for translating the mini game because I really love it.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-12-22

  • Mer M: I love this mini game it's not some dumb sex fansrevice!! ) and I lost hope of getting the fanatic disc. Thanks so much for this modernize!!!! Yes it's PAID. It's for fanatics of this IDEA FACTORY original mini game kindly localized by good solmare. The interface is so beautiful! Love it. Now on to my unbelievable Shiki and the stories!! I'm really satisfied!! This story is the best thing ever! Beautifully told and truly satisfying. THIS is real storytelling. Kuso x Shiki are forever OTP. More like this and not idiotic shallow porn like voltage Scm -so disgusting
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-03-21

  • sabrina davidson: Good sequel to the first mini game Scarlett fate. Still reading through some of the scenarios but I do like the additional stories.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-07-21

  • XxEvie12300xX bubb: I wanted to change my name as well......
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2016-01-31

  • Shana Tobesman: Some of the stories crash but I can eventually receive them to work. Aterui's story is worth getting. I didn't think I'd like a hero more then Gentoka but I was wrong. Awesome story pacing, hero development and dialogue. The only minor thing was some plot inconsistencies. Aterui doesn't treat MC like she's created of glass and that's always a perk to the another ones who feel the need to baby heror play rescue. I hope there is more of him. I did feel robbed of a kissing scene.it was the only thing missing.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2016-03-26

  • Ja'nyia Taylor: Its all right but 😣😙😗😍😝😞😒😁😳😘♡♥
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2016-05-08

  • Maggie Brayton: Had an problem with a purchase on this mini game but the help squad got back to me really fast with a solution. Really beautiful mini game, too! I love the stories!
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2015-11-31

  • Sango152: It could have a gratis ver too!
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2015-12-05


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