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For Android: 2.2 and up Guide: PokerCruncher - Advanced - Poker Odds Calculator cheats tutorial
When updated: 2018-03-05 Star Rating: 4.7
Name: PokerCruncher - Advanced - Poker Odds Calculator hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: PokerCruncher, LLC File Name: com.pokercruncher.PokerCruncher
Current Version: 10.4.1 User Rating: Teen
Downloads: 5000-10000 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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PokerCruncher - Advanced - Poker Odds Calculator Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch PokerCruncher-Advanced-iPhone App Preview [LATEST VERSION] video.

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Watch Holy Grail of Fold Equity video.

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Watch Poker Statistics: Set Mining Odds video.

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Watch Hand Ranges - Poker Odds Calculator Pro video.

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Watch PokerCruncher-Advanced-iPhone App Preview [OLD VERSION] video.

PokerCruncher - Advanced - Poker Odds Calculator related image

Watch Poker Vlog Episode 14: 12 Hand Reviews - 2/3 NLH video.

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Watch Poker Vlog Episode 18: 4th of July Weekend Marathon 2/3 NLH video.

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Watch Pokerhand Calculator app video.

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Watch Poker Tools #1 - Poker Cruncher video.

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Watch Poker Vlog Episode 15: Arizona Reservation Poker 2/3 NLH video.

PokerCruncher - Advanced - Poker Odds Calculator related image


About the application:

The top Texas Hold'em odds calculator on iOS comes to Android!Take your mini game to the next level with PokerCruncher, an advanced professional-level hand ranges and flop texture analysis odds calculator that goes well beyond even PokerStove.*** Pay once and have fun forever ***No in-app purchases/fees.Continual improvement (5+ years).*** Guide and videos on our site ***--> Super quick and simple to use for primary hand matchups.--> Advanced features like hand ranges, Deal-To-Flop, flop texture analysis, and a lot of statistics for serious tactic analysis.--> Guide, videos.Most poker odds calc apks are nowhere as strong as PokerCruncher. Some don't even help random hands (allow alone hand ranges), some don't allow you enter cards for multiple users, some create an incomplete attempt at hand ranges, …PokerCruncher is the full true deal, more strong than even the PC's PokerStove application, and has a clean and easy-to-use interface.Start using PokerCruncher today to improve your mini game and your results!=====iOS ver reviews:"... incredibly strong program ... must-have application." -- PokerSoftware.com"... essentially functions as an advanced ver of the PC’s PokerStove application." -- Bluff MagazineMany more good reviews from poker experts, pros, and coaches, and on our TwoPlusTwo forum thread.(See our website.)=====*****iPhone, iPad, and Mac(Expert) versions also accessible*****--- Completely General ---Up to 10 users, with specific cards, random/unknown cards, or hand ranges for each user. Dead cards, %age's or n:1 odds, …--- Fully General Hand Ranges ---Poker is a mini game of incomplete info; we need to place our enemies on **ranges of hands**. PokerCruncher surpasses even PokerStove's features, e.g. range equity breakdown heat maps and hand combo statistics. Full grid of all 169 starting hands, top x% of hands slider, extensive built-in hand ranges, save/load and export/import hand ranges, choose suits and hand combos (weights) in hand ranges, …--- Deal-To-Flop and Flop Texture Analysis ------ A lot of Statistics ---Hand kind statistics (OnePair, TwoPair, etc.), flop hit statistics, odds for flopping draws and combination draws, OnePair breakdown statistics, …---Save/Load Scenarios (Hands) and Hand Ranges, Export Scenarios (Hands), Export/Import Hand Ranges, Enter/Edit Notes------ Guide and Videos ---If thinking in terms of hand ranges and flop texture analysis (techniques advanced users and pros use) are fresh to you, no trouble, see the PokerCruncher Guide and videos on our website.*****See our site for our powerful 5+ year gratis apk modernize history.Follow us on Fb and Twitter.*****GENERAL FEATURES:+ Runs locally on device, internet connection not required+ Quick Monte Carlo simulation, complete enumeration for some common cases+ Completely general program, e.g. up to 10 users+ Specific cards, random/unknown cards, fully general hand ranges, for each user+ Generate random user and board cards to set up what-if and try scenarios+ Dead cards+ Fold/Un-Fold users+ %age's or n:1 odds+ Clean and crisp hi-res card graphicsPlease see the PokerCruncher Guide and videos on our site for a full description of all of the features.Android Shop reviews are greatly appreciated, thank you.=====Re. a few reviews that say they’re getting an “apk not licensed” message:Thousands of another customers aren't seeing this and can run this apk just fine.On your device, you need to be signed in as the *same* Google acc you used when you purchased this apk. Otherwise the license checking process will think you’re a various person and haven’t purchased this app.On your device go to the Settings apk, Accounts section, and verify your Google acc. You can use the “Add Acc” button to add a second acc if needed.Please write to us at our help email address if required so we can assist (these customers didn’t). Thank you,-RJ, PokerCruncher, LLC=====

PokerCruncher - Advanced - Poker Odds Calculator Hack - Gallery:

PokerCruncher - Advanced - Poker Odds Calculator screenshot PokerCruncher - Advanced - Poker Odds Calculator screenshot PokerCruncher - Advanced - Poker Odds Calculator screenshot
PokerCruncher - Advanced - Poker Odds Calculator hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in PokerCruncher - Advanced - Poker Odds Calculator:
Make some buttons and texts a little bigger so they’re easier to read: * Main screen: buttons at the top of the screen and along the right hand side, players 1..5’s Equity stats, Deal-To indicator label, Rng button. * Hand range screens: buttons at the top of the screens e.g. Cancel, Done, Save. Android Store reviews are greatly appreciated, thank you!
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • A Google User: Excellent Must have for users who are constantly thinking about ranges when away from Pokerstove
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-08-31

  • Good I've been using pokerstove on my Android device device for too long now. I just downloaded this apk less than 5 mins ago and I'm already in love with it. Of course 5 mins isn't very long and if I explore any latent defects I will be sure to edit my review... But for now excellent!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-01-18

  • Anthony C.: Good This is the best equivalent to poker stove for a droid. I love it. Nice work!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-06-18

  • Sean McDonough: Convenient Love the deal-to-flop statistics feature!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-03-06

  • Jay Epstein: It's Good! If you're serious about improving your poker knowledge, then this apk is for you. Thanks PokerCruncher!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-07-17

  • A Google User: THE Best With full help for ranges this is the only equity calculator that's more than just a toy. Perfect!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-01-07

  • Anthony B: Easy, smooth interface, does everything flopzilla does on a smartphone.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-05-11

  • Fernando Gonzales: Still loving it! Been using this since my iphone days bout 5years and still love it and search it useful.i submitted a bug report and the developer quickly got on it and updated it. Def suggest.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-06-07

  • David Schanen: Very Cool! Best Value! The math is right on! The features are good! Well worth it!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-31

  • A Google User: Very cool Love the deal to feature. Range input a tiny little. Want it was easier to input like the another poker equity calc in android device. Poker stove for your smartphone. FINALLY
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-02-12

  • Paul Valente: Best apk accessible for holdem analysis. ainec.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-01-27

  • A Google User: The best! Good apk! I have uninstalled all my another so-called poker calculation apks -- even the paid ones! This one is the best accessible now. I do hope that the dev also makes accessible for android device the another iOS poker apks in the product line. Please. Beautiful please. Don't create me beg, 'cause I will.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-01-24

  • Kevin Gu: Good Poker Calculator Apk Unbelievable apk for learning ranges.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-06-07

  • A Google User: Brilliant Had this apk on my iPhone, best thing since sliced bread, Android device apk not quite as slick yet, as still quite fresh, but far better than any another related apk.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-02-25

  • Excellent Good program for exploring equities whenever. Much appreciated!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-01-21

  • Jose De Santiago: It's like having a teacher at ur fingertips response time is almost instant want I should fix the bugs in my head as quick as they do
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-02-29

  • River Rift: Everything you need! Been a heavy fanatic of this apk for a few years now. Beautiful much everything you need for post mini game analysis!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-11-20

  • Omni Science: Best odds calculator This is my favorite odds calculator. It's fast, super simple to use, clean Up. Good apk!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-09

  • Anton Skvortsov: Best apk, no contest This is a best number cruncher for holdem. Its like flopzilla and pokerstove created a baby. I have never seen such dedication to a product. Developers who wrote it could not give this apk for this cheap. It's hands down good.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-10-06

  • A Google User: FINALLY! I almost left Android device for an iPhone just for this apk. Thanks!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-02-05

  • Chris Bits: Helps you crush poker I use this apk then I crush.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-01-26

  • Frederick Kalfas III: Nexus 5 It's like poker stove for a computer. So it's better than pokerstoves apk. Good job. Use it a lot.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-14

  • Milk D.: The best Android device poker apk!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-08-25

  • A Google User: Love this apk! I have purchased this on iOS and now once more on android device! It's by far the best Android device poker odds calculator.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-01-13

  • Gary S: This is the first time that I have given a 5 begin rating. The apk is good and the help is absolutely unbelievable. I have used the apk for a few years now and yesterday I had a question about exporting and importing. I contacted help and my questions were resolved in a very timely and professional manner.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-04-28

  • Akshay Sharma: Brilliant! I was one of the first players to use this apk on iOS when it first launched years ago. Having shifted to Android device smartphone am satisfied to see this apk on Play Shop as well. The developer is extremely receptive to feedback. An perfect program for any level of poker user. Highly suggested!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-08-22

  • Matt Smith: This apk Is awesome to go
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-01-28

  • A Google User: Has everything. Range. Odds of getting each types of hands. Aesthically very dull but best statistics and odds around. AFAIK.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-08-12

  • astandet: Perfect Thank you, just what I required.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-11-26

  • Robert Aznar: Good Program Having this program is a blessing. Knowing what to do with the details gathered from it is what's necessary . 5 stars
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-12-15

  • Matteo Rossetti: Must have! Very handy and complete apk! Might not be as feature-rich as FlopZilla, but it is definitely #1 for mobiles! Worth every penny and more. @Devs: why don't you add draws in the statistics screen? That'd be the cherry on the pie imho
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-10-13

  • Howard Wu: most pokerstove-like android device simulator/equity calculator Lets you easily choose ranges in same manner as pokerstove for each enemy via hand table and sliding range bar, as well as different pre-defined hand groups.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-03-23

  • Sean D: Top Notch, what I required years ago. I love this apk as it is seamless and created to calculate efficiently. I hate having to receive a to a compute or use a clunky mobile browser window to check my math after a questionable play. This apk will especially be helpful in tournaments and money mini games during breaks to check the math. I like the range versus range features as often you do just wish to see if in general versus a certain user you were ahead in a particular spot. Really good apk guys. If you have place on your squad I'd love to work for you too lol!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-01-32

  • Brian Collamer: Good Unbelievable but has a little grahics problem on my GS3 running JB... Which were fixed!!!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2013-05-04

  • S Gill: Awesome Smartphone UI, would be nicer.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-10-32

  • nektarios p: well done very awesome apk
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2016-05-06

  • Eli Zur: GUI looks awkward on my Nexus 5 (1920x1080)...
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2015-12-09

  • youngrin kim: want i had this apk in2003
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2014-04-13

  • Bernie Milton: Dont Buy on SAMSUNG tablets Purchased and downloaded on a samsung smartphone Apk refuses to work stating its not licenced / purchased Downloaded onto HTC smartphone and works
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2014-08-17

  • A Google User: Doesn't work WTF? ''Application is not licensed''
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2012-05-21


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PokerCruncher - Advanced - Poker Odds Calculator Hack download
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