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For Android: 4.1 and up Guide: POIbase speed camera warner cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-10-05 Star Rating: 4.130435
Name: POIbase speed camera warner hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: pocketnavigation.de GmbH File Name: de.navigating.poibase
Current Version: V6.5.3 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 100000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch POIbase POI-Import video.

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Watch My Skoda Kodiaq - Adding Speed Cameras To Navigation System (incl. Karoq, Superb and Octavia) video.

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Watch Importing and Creating POI Files with POIbase video.

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Watch Radarwarner EU für Mercedes Benz Comand Online ✅Download✅❗️❗️ video.

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Watch Poibase video.

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Watch Loading Speed camera POIs into Mercedes-Benz NTG 4.5 Unit video.

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Watch Poibase Skoda Octavia Amundsen Deutsch Blitzerwarner Teil 1 video.

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Watch POIbase Anleitungsvideo: POIs und Blitzer für Garmin Navigationsgeräte video.

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Watch How to Add a POI to Mercedes-Benz GPS video.

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About the application:

With POIbase, fines for speeding belong to the past! Why select POIbase? ► Community project: POIbase is supported by pocketnavigation.de, the biggest online community for POIs & navigation (German-speaking countries) ► Possible mobile & stationary speed traps, constant updates ► Updates: Around 440.000 active players are connected to POIbase ► Driving speed monitoring: Always aware of the allowed maximum speed ► One system fits all: POIbase is accessible for almost all navigation devices ► A lot of years of experience: We have developed the world's first POI-Warner for navigation devices ► Highest quality: Really big manufacturers such as MEDION use our tool & data ► Continuous R&D and flexibility: Development takes put in-house and is not outsourced ► Extra desktop application: Convenient POI processing (also for desktop) download at http://www.poibase.com/navigating ► Active impact on further development/For giving feedback: http://forum.pocketnavigation.de/forum1000360-poibase-blitzerwarner-app-android-ios-windows-phone/ Advantages of POIbase camera detector: ★ Optimal display (Icons for speed/type, traffic cone) ★ Potential and everyday active speed cameras ★ Simple to use, no further settings required! ★ Display of current speed limits ★ Smartwatch / Android device Wear help ★ Highly configurable ★ Over 1 million extra POIs in the POI database ★ Contains access to mobile and stationary speed cameras in Germany / Austria / Switzerland ★ Gratis of charge; can be used as speed camera alert and for POIs ★ Begin Agent*: Auto begin when driving or use Bluetooth connection ★ Offline mode* ★ Background mode* ★ Voice warning: Warning of speed camera's and speed* ★ Overlay widget * - Lay over another apks: ★ Can be used with TomTom, NAVIGON, Sygic, HERE, Google Maps, ALK CoPilot, Route 66 etc.* ★ Bluetooth help* ★ Nearest pharmacy ★ Cross-format * ★ POI processing ★ Extensive POI categories and unique functions contain: Speed cameras, section control, traffic light cameras, geocaching, natural gas, CNG and LPG petrol stations, ATMs, quick meal and another restaurants, camping and SUV parking territories, parking lots & parking garages, pharmacies, doctors, hospitals, cinemas, mountain peaks, public swimming pools, mountain huts, hardware stores, discounters (e.g., Aldi, True, Rewe etc.), specialist stores (e.g., Media Markt, Saturn, DM etc.), shopping centres (e.g., Karstadt, Marktkauf) , churches, couriers, hotels, vegan and vegetarian restaurants, and much more ► Note regarding the Begin Agent: The Begin Agent has been optimised to consume no battery power. It may take between 0:30 and about 2:00 mins before the Begin Agent recognises the drive; restarting will take up to 5:00 mins. False positives are rare, but not impossible. Providing that the device settings are accessible on the device, settings such as "Begin Manager" and "Protected Apks" must be accessible for checking the correct operation of the Begin Agent and the background mode with POIbase. If the setting in the device settings is not accessible, then no further adjustment is required. ► For Smartwatch help, Android device 4.3 or higher must be enabled on the mobile phone. Detailed Instructions: http://www.pocketnavigation.de/pois/poibase-blitzer-app-android/ *) Part of the PRO / PRO+ functions for purchase (4.99 € and 0.66 € / month for PRO+) The gratis ver contains speed cameras in Germany / Austria / Switzerland, as well as access to the mobile and stationary speed cameras. The speed cameras for the another EU countries are optional and can be purchased separately (PRO+ 0.66 € / month). Note: The apk uses Google Analytics to collect anonymous stats for product improvement. POI database is a joint project of POICON GmbH & Co.KG, pocketnavigation.de GmbH and navigating GmbH. POI database on the web: http://www.poibase.de POI database on Fb: http://www.facebook.com/POIbase

POIbase speed camera warner Hack - Gallery:

POIbase speed camera warner screenshot POIbase speed camera warner screenshot POIbase speed camera warner screenshot
POIbase speed camera warner hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in POIbase speed camera warner:
- Fix: bug when reporting speedcams in cockpit (fixed)
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Alistair Martin: I have still to use the apk on the street but do fat it seems to be awesome.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2018-06-30

  • Manuel Pohl: Insgesamt eine nützliche & brauchbare Apk, die ich auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen kann. Allerdings stört mich hier die etwas unglücklich umgesetzte Bluetooth-Funktionalität: Höre ich während der Fahrt beispielsweise über Spotify Musik, wird die Musik bei einer Warnung plötzlich unterbrochen und eine furchtbar leise Stimme faselt irgendwas durch's Radio, was niemand verstehen kann (Einstellungen habe ich bereits angepasst - leider kein Erfolg). Diese Unterbrechung wiederholt sich, je näher man der vermeintlichen Stelle kommt. Hierbei kann es auch passieren, dass Spotify die Wiedergabe gänzlich einstellt, was echt unschön ist... :( Wünschenswert wäre es, wenn die Musik (so, wie es auch in der Google Maps Navigation realisiert wurde) sanft leiser gedreht werden würde, die Warnung in wahrnehmbarer Lautstärke ausgegeben würde und anschliessend die Musik wieder in Originallautstärke zurückkehren würde. Großartig finde ich die wirklich feine Granulierung aller Einstellmöglichkeiten (in der Bezahlversion), mit deren Hilfe man die Apk wirklich sehr genau an seine Bedürfnisse anpassen kann. Wenn das Bluetooth-Problemchen noch behoben wird, ist mir die Apk volle 5 Sterne wert!
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2017-01-10

  • Giancarlo Guerrini: I think this is a useful apk . I think this apk needs an option to have a continuous or repeating sound that continues to create the sound while the driver remains above the speed limit. This would improve this apk further.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2019-06-11

  • Darren Rockach: The apk is fine but needs extra features to create it really awesome. I'm in the UK and so use mph rather than kph. Would be awesome to have full control over this as the apk current speed indicator only currently shows kph although the UK cameras are shown in mph. Also when I add a camera I can only add the speed in kph. It would also be good if the apk was created to be compatible with Android device Auto to at least present a notification or preferably the full cockpit view like waze. Add current traffic info like google maps on top of all this and it would be the best apk by a long, long method.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2018-01-04

  • vimbai gumunyu: The apk wont even do as described. wont even srart automatically and run in the background, tried all settings. What a waste of cash!
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2018-05-32

  • Khalesi Masoud: very awful apk .
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-02-29

  • Sam Sung: Not buying pro seems to offer a useless ver. Pro might be OK.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2016-05-12

  • Pavel Šedivý: I've been using POIPlaza for years. Just now I realized it's gone, while I was referred to POIbase with the info that the POIs have been moved to POIbase and they can be accessed there. But, unfortunately, they cannot. E.g., there's not even one under Download POIs // POIplaza // Fixed speed cameras for the whole Czech Republic... And searching for speedcams on POIbase lead me to some "store", rather than to download. It looks like that all the POIs (speedcams) people themselves had been adding to POIPlaza for years in the "community" sense, have been taken from them to be created a source of profit for POIbase? That's quite unhappy...
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-03-28

  • hallo pro: hfj
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-03-16


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