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For Android: 2.1 and up Guide: HVAC Refrigerant Charge cheats tutorial
When updated: 2022-05-07 Star Rating: 4
Name: HVAC Refrigerant Charge hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Carmel Software Corporation File Name: com.carmelsoft.HVAC_RefCharge
Current Version: 1.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000-1587 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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HVAC Refrigerant Charge Gameplay, Trailers and Related Videos

Watch How To Add Freon / Refrigerant To Your Air Conditioner R22 R410A video.

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Watch Charging R-410A Refrigerant into an Air Conditioner! Pressures, Temps, Tips! video.

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Watch R-22 and R-410A Operating Pressures on Air Conditioners! Checking the Charge! video.

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Watch How To Add Refrigerant To Your Air Conditioner R410A & R22 video.

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Watch Refrigeration Charging #refrigerant #HVAC #refrigeration video.

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Watch How To Add Refrigerant To Air Conditioner video.

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Watch R410A Refrigerant Charge Level Measurements on Air Conditioners! Walkthrough and Practice! video.

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Watch Steps to Vacuum and Charge Refrigerant on a Mini Split Unit! video.

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Watch R-410A AC Unit, Checking the Charge with Subcooling, Undercharged through Overcharged! video.

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Watch How to Properly Recharge Your AC System video.

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About the application:

The HVAC Refrigerant Charge apk is a refrigerant charging calculator that allows HVAC technicians to perform superheat and subcool refrigerant charge calculations on-the-fly. This apk contains pressure/temperature data for over 75 refrigerants. The following is a list of features: 1. Perform superheat refrigerant charge calculations for 75 various refrigerants. Input the indoor wet-bulb and outdoor dry-bulb temps. to receive the target superheat temperature. Then, specify the suction line temperature and pressure to receive the actual superheat temperature. The difference tells you whether to charge or not. 2. Perform subcool refrigerant charge calculations for 75 various refrigerants. Input the indoor wet-bulb and outdoor dry-bulb temps. to receive the target subcool temperature. Then, specify the liquid line temperature and pressure to receive the actual subcool temperature. The difference tells you whether to charge or not. 3. Use an interactive slider control to increase or decrease all values and immediately observe calculated results. Also, the slider control allows for "incremental" changes so you can ever-so-slightly change values to observe newly calculated results. 4. Specify atmospheric pressure (another than standard 14.7 psi) so that calculated pressures are adjusted for high elevations like those in Denver and elsewhere. 5. Customize input types so that you can specify manufacturer-specified target superheat/subcool or input indoor dry-bulb/indoor relative humidity in put of indoor wet-bulb temperature. 6. Send an email of all inputs and results with custom message 7. Display input and effect values in either English or Metric units 8. Change the color scheme of the apk so that it can easily be viewed outdoors in direct sunlight 9. It is "Bluetooth aware", meaning that it will connect via Bluetooth to those PT gauges that are also Bluetooth enabled. This will let the automatic transfer of temperature/pressure info from those gauges to the HVAC Refrigerant Charge apk.

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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • A Google user: Good. Now ill never have to hold track of thoes slide calculators.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-03-15

  • A Google user: Much of my work requires performing refrigerant charge calcs in the field. This apk is excellent for doing it automatically. It has every refrigerant under the sun, and it allows me to email results back to the office.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-08-28

  • Douny Krout: Allows you to know what the supeheat and subcooling is supposed to be under different indoor and outdoor loads for determine proper charge of systems. Input your readings and ypu know exactly were you could be. Always take in acc your temp probs and clamps error facters.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-04-18

  • A Google user: This item is good!!! I love it!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2012-08-08

  • Alan Howard: Awesome calculations for superheat targets; but it is incorrect in calculating actual superheat because it is using bubble point instead of dew point for 407c. This should easily be corrected. In the meantime it's suggestions will lead to overcharging equipment.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2017-07-23

  • Bevan Cameron: Downloaded it to use on a latest job with 407c couldn't check the sub-cooling because it uses bubble p/t chart for both
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2014-01-13

  • Ryan Sheaffer: This apk used to work on my iPhone. it was the best charging apk. But I got a Pixel 3 and now it won't even begin. Developer doesn't seem to care.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-06-14

  • Rodrigo Giorgi: It could be able to choose the kind of temperature unit and the kind of pressure unit independently. In my case I work in PSI and Celsius, and I'm not able to work comfortably not having the choice.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2016-02-11

  • abubakr Eleimam: Very awful apks. It is not working with android device. I've lost my cash. Please don't test it.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2021-06-08


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