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For Android: 6.0 and up Guide: Human Japanese Intermediate cheats tutorial
When updated: 2019-09-25 Star Rating: 4.77
Name: Human Japanese Intermediate hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Brak Software File Name: com.braksoftware.HumanJapaneseIntermediate
Current Version: 1.1.4 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 5000- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch Human Japanese Intermediate: iPhone 5 App Preview video.

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Watch Why I wanted to learn Japanese and Human Japanese review video.

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Watch Amazing apps for learning Japanese (The best in my opinion) video.

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Watch Human Japanese: iPad App Preview video.

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Watch Appy Friday: Human Japanese ; A witty app with... 45 Chapters?! video.

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Watch Human Japanese: iPhone 6 App Preview video.

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About the application:

Learn Japanese with the long-awaited sequel to Human Japanese! Almost three years in the making, Human Japanese Intermediate is packed with content and features that will take your Japanese language skills to the next level. If you liked the first HJ, you'll love Intermediate. (And if you're fresh to Human Japanese, welcome aboard! Search a full list of content by chapter at www.humanjapanese.com/intermediate.) In Human Japanese Intermediate, you'll search: - More than 40 illuminating chapters - Over 2600 example sentences and dialogs with crystal-clear recordings of male and female speech - Kanji animations, advices, illustrations, and more - Images and cultural notes to hold you engaged and energized - Clever quizzes that track your history and assist you focus on problem spots - INGREDIENTS™ example sentence breakdowns for total clarity in every example Like its predecessor, Human Japanese Intermediate is built on the idea that the best method to learn and truly comprehend Japanese is to have it explained by someone who speaks your language. Core concepts are explained in a friendly, down-to-earth tone, with frequent comparisons to related aspects of English. With humor and warmth, it demystifies and illuminates the true nuts-and-bolts of the language--not just vocabulary and canned phrases like a lot of another products. Explanations come alive with deeply interwoven interactive example sentences--more than 2600 in total--so that you can immediately see and hear exactly what you're learning. Stay on track with an exciting fresh patent-pending feature called INGREDIENTS™ example sentence breakdowns. Next to every sentence is an icon that provides an instantaneous, simultaneous lookup of every word in the sentence, even conjugated forms! That means you'll never lose your flow in the middle of an interesting discussion just because you've momentarily forgotten the meaning of a word. KANJI Human Japanese Intermediate also gets into kanji in a large method. At the end of most chapters, a fresh batch of kanji is introduced, with animations of each hero, plus example sentences, illustrations, writing advices, and more. Our goal is not to simply throw a bag of heroes in your lap, but to carefully explain how everything works. To this end, Human Japanese Intermediate keeps track of which kanji you've learned at what point in the text and automatically adjusts the "spelling" of words in example sentences as appropriate to your current knowledge. So early on, you might encounter the following sentence: そのひとの なまえを しらない。 But later, after you've met a few of kanji used in these words, the ver you would see is: その人の 名前を 知らない。 This approach removes the most overwhelming aspect of learning kanji--the fact that most sentences include a lot of heroes you don't yet know--and that helps you to stay focused and energized. QUIZZES Stay sharp with five various kinds of quizzes: chapter reviews, vocab, conjugation, kanji stroke order, and kanji flashcard. Quizzes hold track of which questions you receive right and wrong, to assist you concentrate on your problem spots. And when you receive a question wrong, it's not simply "Test once more." Wherever possible, the quiz provides a tip that is specific to that question, to assist you remember and learn. PHOTOS AND CULTURAL NOTES We've packed Human Japanese with hundreds of images, illustrations, and cultural asides to hold you interested and energized. You'll search tours of hotels, train stations, convenience stores, supermarkets, kissaten (coffee shops), temples, and more. LEARN JAPANESE WITH US We care deeply about helping you to grow in your understanding of Japanese. Whether you've worked through the original Human Japanese apk or have come from a various background, it will be our pleasure and privilege to be your tutorial on the next scene of your adventure. Hajimemashou!

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Changes in Human Japanese Intermediate:
Updated for Android 9.
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Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Fons the Magnificent: The best textbook I've encountered, and I've tried a few! I showed my mate the chapter I was on, I only had to read the hiragana and he actually learned Japanese from it! The pacing is just right to learn fast, but it let's you take time to actually learn!!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-12-32

  • Onra Nytsam: やった! I've started learning Japanese 10 years + ago, including 3 years at school, which did assist immensely, but I type of... Got stuck with the primary. The trouble was mainly the difficulty of finding Japanese people online to talk to. I've picked it up a week or 2 ago and after finishing Duolingo first, I was not happy at all. I then bought this apk, and I can say it is the best 12 euros I've spent in a long, long time. My level of Japanese is skyrocketing and I can impossibly not study for at least 3 or 4 hours a day. I've reached chapter 20 now, and learning Japanese is getting more and more exciting, especially since I found a Japanese mate online recently with whom I can practice what I've learned. If you are even only a tiny serious about learning Japanese, and you already have a primary understanding of grammar, and can read ひらがな and カタカナ, do yourself a favor and buy this apk. If you have never learned Japanese before: I can imagine that the beginner apk of Human Japanese is equally awesome. The only thing missing to me is a method of practicing kanji writing in the apk itself (apart from the stroke order quizes), but the sheer amount of clearly explained and often funny info more than makes up for this. Thank you, Human Japanese. You're the best learning Japanese apk there is.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-11-12

  • A Google user: I have bought both beginner and intermediate versions and love them! The grammar is very well explained and the cultural notes and the author's humor create studying a lot of fun. I suggest wholeheartedly!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-11-13

  • Wantei Warjri: Worth the 3 year wait. :-D
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-02-08

  • Lesley Dodd: I have tried to search a awesome intermediate level Japanese course, and failed... until now! It is so simple to read, and simple to remember! The teaching style is very awesome! I love it, and suggest it if you are beyond the beginner scene, and ready to step it up. :) Worth the purchase!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-30

  • Áron Róna: you could begin it right away if you wish to have fun a excellent Japanese teaching apk! :)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-17

  • Jeremy Rhodes: This apk creates a fresh age in language learning apks! I have been taking a Japanese class for four years and should tell I had some missing gaps, so I got this apk, and it's greatly helped me. It's basically a textbook apk that teaches a lot of Japanese vocabulary, as well as some culture. The only little flaw is that there probably shouldn't been a tiny more Kanji, but it's still good and I hope that people who create another language apks look at this apk and receive ideas to create related ones. Because as a guys who also studies Mandarin and Korean, as well as interested in a few others, my another languages are "jealous" of this apk and hope they receive their own ver ; )
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-07-30

  • Andrew Sutton: Love this apk, really explains everything perfectly, now I can't wait for the advanced one to arrive :P
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-01-06

  • fabiola del muro: わたし は ヒューマン ジャパニーズ やっと かいました! ありがとう ございます! And if I said that correctly, I am ready to take on intermediate. ;)
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-01-05

  • Nattawut Hansuwat: My second most successful Japanese learning experience after the first human Japanese
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-10-09

  • A Google user: I have a problem with reviews: they are unable to pass because review windows are completely empty. I can see white boxes for text moving at begin but they are blank. I can click and hear a reaction voice, and even complete the review but do it in a blind method. :( I use Sony Xperia Ray. Upd.: found a temporary solution for anyone faced same problem: it is possible to begin review by starting it just after opening first page of any chapter via chapters menu. Do not scroll it though.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-02-16

  • Brian Lee Samarca: I like the app..i learned a lot of things about japan and nihongo. I hope you'l have an modernize on it adding more kanji heroes or develope a fresh app/chapter that focuses on kanji or aiming to prepare players for JLPT tests.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-32

  • Ariel Upiter: I've suggested the first ver apk to about every person I know who's interested in learning Japanese. Of course when I finished the first one, I had to buy the second! No tool has taught me more than the Human Japanese series. The lessons are good and everything has an explanation rather than leaving you to figure things out on your own. The quizzes are helpful and interactive and I love everything about this apk. Absolute 10/10.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-03-24

  • Ioli Moutsopoulou: A good successor to the original Human Japanese apk
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-05-30

  • Fredrik Tholerud: Definitely the best apk for learning japanese, I actually use it instead of just downloading it!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-08-10

  • SW G: I absolutely love this apk, and the one before it "Human Japanese." These two apks propelled my Japanese learning ahead light years. I refer back to them for refreshers, and love taking the quizzes. It's the best method for self-learners to receive that motivational bump ahead. If the producer creates more advanced forms, I'll be buying all of them (ALL). Lol. Love these apks!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-04-25

  • Simon Arango: This apk has taught me all the primary concepts I need to know to create my method towards fluency.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-06-17

  • Invictus Campbell: Perfect value for the cash. The author has a distinct method of disarming the material so that it's not intimidating for "intermediate" learners. After just a few short chapters you will have a better understanding of dialogue from Anime, melody and another media. I'm only a few chapters in so far but I've been studying Japanese a lone for a while. Well worth the $10!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-12-31

  • Pamela Smith: Wonderfully clear, informative and simple to use apk. This is the most complete learning experience amongst all the apks I have tried. Please, please bring out more advanced ones. Thank you for your efforts
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-10-23

  • Branimir 2k: Unbelievable learning experience. Well thought out and wonderfully explained. Bravo to the authors.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-06-09

  • Devan Octavian: Don't install the gratis one, buy this one. Dev squad, please create the next sequel of Human Japanese. I've bought the first and this one and I don't mind paying more to learn more.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-04-12

  • Nikolaj Bjerregaard: I have tried a lot of ebooks, sites etc. for learning japanese. And i must say, this is THE BEST method to learn japanese grammer, each concept is presented so well and gives you a much deeper understanding of why the language is constructed the method it is than you receive from another sources. i will be waiting for human japanese advanced ;) the only trouble i have is that looking up something is a bit cumbersome as flipping through the pages is beautiful slow.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-04-22

  • Andrey Gerasimenko: Add a dictionary, a comprehensive grammar tutorial, and something for immersion and you are all set. Direct continuation to the first part.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-09-09

  • James Comben: Good explanations, good examples, covers a lot. Highly suggested!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-01-21

  • Azeem Yunus: Good
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-20

  • Nigel Bunn: This is the best Japanese course apk that I had yet found. There is a lot of info packed in the apk, however it is very accesable and somehow friendly. I only hope that the author comes out with Human Japanese Advanced.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-06-28

  • Mike Stelzer: I was a large fanatic of the beginner apk. The style of interactive lessons combined with a bit of history and culture keeps it interesting and fun. I've tried the first few intermediate chapters on PC already and love the improvements. Am super excited to work through this.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-09-05

  • Louis-Philippe St-Laurent: Very, VERY well created apk with relevant material.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-08-24

  • Johanna Chan: A good apk for learning grammar. I really hope that the developer will consider making an advanced one as well!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-06-06

  • A Google user: After being frustrated with a seemingly endless number of "language teaching" apks that end up being nothing but easy flash-card tests with no actual text content to explain fresh concepts, I was satisfied to explore this apk. Human Japanese presents the lesson material just as thoroughly as my college textbooks did, and the author writes in a nice relaxed style to hold the material interesting. The interactive example sentences, quizzes, and kanji programs placed in-line with the lesson text create it simple to immediately practice fresh concepts. The fact that this apk is only $10 makes it a no-brainer to me.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-08-20

  • Ariel Luguern: I have to say that I have tried tens of Japanese learning apks before falling on this absolute gem. It did seem oh so very hard to learn until this marvelous search! The author has a method with words and makes things seem simple enough that it becomes easily learnable. Trust it or not, I also learned things about English and it created me question languages in general! Lessons are well created, very clear and concise, quizzes are fun yet to the point and grammar is taught in a method that it sticks in your mind! The "awful" points? Ameliorations might contain : Skipping through pages in a chapter, being able to rotate the apk, ability to mute voices in quizzes, being able to take random quizzes to refresh memory and avoid device sleep when not touched for a while. Seriously, I barely ever rate apks but I felt the need to give the merit this one deserves. Well done, I am grateful for the occasion to use this apk.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-07-10

  • Michelle Lee: So satisfied you have the next step! Well worth the price. I can learn at my own pace and still have a natural understanding of how the language works. It's not stilted or rote. When an advanced is accessible I'll nab it immediately. I highly suggest.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-05-05

  • Laura Kelly: Immediately bought this apk after finishing the first Human Japanese. I went from zero knowledge of the language to knowing how to make my own sentences, read and write (still working on the kanji.. but I have hiragana and katakana down) and having a awesome grasp of the grammar. Human Japanese gave me the programs to use the language, rather than parrot canned phrases. 10/10 One recommendation: I would like to see a glossary.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2017-04-13

  • Chachan Charoenpong: Though english is not my mother language, I found HJ very simple to read, informative, fun, and addictive! Good apk for learning Japanese! Please make HJ advance and I'll definitely buy it.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-05-19

  • Affordable Gaming: Well worth the cash, can't wait for the advanced edition!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-02-11

  • Kayla McGraw: This is by far the best apk I have tried to hold up with studying. Completely worth the cash.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2015-10-09

  • Erik Goyette: Hope some of these advancements create their method to the beginner apk. Much improved!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2014-01-06

  • Jeslina mary john: Good apk... has everything you need to learn Japanese. Kindly do release the advanced ver too !! :D
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2018-03-17

  • Blong Lor: There are truly no words to express how gorgeous and utterly brilliant you place this learning apk together. Throughout the entire time using this apk it felt like there was a true mentor near me and guiding the confused me to understand the complex language of Japanese. I have finished beginner's ebook and on my method to the intermediate to further expand my knowledge, so I can one day be able to read, write, and speak Japanese proficiently without the use of a dictionary every time. Thank you very much!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-10-10

  • christina walthall: Good images and lessons that hold you interested in learning Japanese! Well worth the $$ このアプリを買うて❣
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2016-04-21


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