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For Android: 8.0 and up Guide: DOTKey cheats tutorial
When updated: 2021-12-28 Star Rating: 4.0454545
Name: DOTKey hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: WriteSoft LLC File Name: com.dotkeyboard.android_dotkey
Current Version: 2.3.0 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 1000-3451 Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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Watch DOTKey Demo 2 video.

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Watch DOTKey Defender Demo 3 video.

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Watch One Handed iPhone Keyboard?? (DOTKey Full App Beta Test) video.

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Watch I WON AN ECHO DOT FOR $3 || Keymaster Arcade WIN! video.

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Watch Key & Peele - Georgina and Esther and Satan - Uncensored video.

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Watch ABSHOW video.

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Watch dotkeyone video.

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About the application:

STOP HUNTING FOR TINY FAKE KEYS! Embrace the capabilities of your touchscreen! Experience the freedom of typing with gestures! DOTKey is: Fast: Up to 65 words per min or more! Sight-free: Look at WHAT you are typing, instead of the keyboard you are typing it on! Comfortable: Automatically calibrates to your hand-size and positioning! FINALLY! - Real touch-typing for your touchscreen! --- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS/INFORMATION --- When you install DOTKey on your device you receive two things: 1) The DOTKey keyboard - which you will kind with 2) The DOTKey application - which you will use to learn/practice DOTKey, and to configure settings. If you are fresh to DOTKey you will wish to practice before making it your basic keyboard. Use the in-app practice feature to receive up to speed in as tiny as a week. When you are ready to create the switch simply enable DOTKey as you would any another 3rd party keyboard and set it as your basic keyboard. Please see the in-app menu item "Enable DOTKey" for more info on how to do this. For more info about DOTKey in general please visit our site at: www.dotkeyboard.com

DOTKey Hack - Gallery:

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Changes in DOTKey:
New In This Release:<br>* Support for accents! Please see the built in tutorial and/or hint sheet for more information.<br>* Rapid word suggestions - to select one of the three possible word suggestions you can now simply swipe left or right with the finger &quot;beneath&quot; the desired word. <br>* Inline suggestions! See DOTKey&#39;s best guess for the word you are currently or about to type inline. Swipe left or right with your middle finger to accept the suggestion, or simply continue typing to ignore it.
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Ryan Kane: Perfect once you receive used to it.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-04-13

  • Felix Bode: Good apk. After 2 days I'm already at 15-20 wpm on the in-app lowercase try versus. 30-40 on my normal keyboard
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-09-11

  • Haley Brogan: I've been using dotkey for a while now, and have become extremely proficient with it. Two things stick out to me. First, the end effect is worth the effort to learn. Using the typing try, I learned that although I feel I kind faster on google's keyboard, I actually kind faster with dotkey, with less effort (and I did go back for a time due to google's feeling faster. Second, it feels so natural to kind on a touch screen with a keyboard that customizes to me. Highly suggested!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-09-25

  • Believer: best BUT we need more languages like (arabic , kurdish , etc) thanks for the apk it is really good.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-04-16

  • Vatsal Wala: good keyboard application. But only problem I found untill now is that every time I use place, my toucj circles moves and really needs to handle right away
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-05-07

  • Alka Bansal: Osm apk
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-04-14

  • Ali Jessee: This is a sweet method of typing on my smartphone! It took me a tiny bit to learn it, but compared to the hours I spent learning how to kind on a keyboard in elementary school this was definitely faster, plus it was fun to test and beat myself on the speed tests. I'm still working on making the full transition for daily use since I haven't learned punctuation yet, but I think it's going to be really good when I do! Stay tuned!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-09-14

  • Daniel F.: I would love Hungarian language help, just auto accentaion would be good.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2021-02-26

  • Jessica Moore: Fun to learn, but will take a lot of practice to be as quick as regular typing.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2019-12-16

  • Bailey Levetin: So playing with this keyboard for about an hour after downloading, I can't seem to figure out how to receive out of Cursor mode if I go accidentally into it. And when typing "Th..." it automatically gives me "The" when I really wanted a various word like "this" so I have to backspace. There's a few another little things that bug me a bit, but I can't word that... so maybe in other review later.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2020-04-15

  • James R: Good keyboard innovation that we don't realize we need. I've found that after a few months of use, DOTKey feels intuitive. While it doesn't create a lot of difference with short messages, I've found it truly shines when taking extended notes, composing emails, or doing anything where accuracy matters. (One particularly handy situation is when writing programming snippets to assist explain concepts and ideas to colleagues, which is very difficult to do with another on-screen keyboards.) I'm giving this 4 stars because I search the selection of unique heroes to be a tiny lacking, and miss some of the quality of life features found in another keyboards (such as first-letter autocapitalization, recently used emojis, and the ability to find for specific emojis)
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2019-11-07

  • Asad Shaikh: The experience was nice....but what about the privacy and security....as you will be collecting all the typed data....that can be login id and password...and another private items...
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2020-04-13

  • Gulam Sheri: I really like that there's finally something fresh in the globe of typing, but Dotkey really lacks some refinement (that's one star gone), and the main menu (guide) is really awful, basically as soon as you begin it you are forced to «tap here, tap there» and have no choice to pause the guide or come back later, it is bugged and crashes all the time. That's the second begin missing.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2020-04-13

  • Adrià Rubio Coll: You've taken the same path with accents as my daily keyboard (MessagEase) and I like it. Bakspace does not work on Termux. Not having a x86 build for my smartphone is a trouble. It would be so cool to have this on Linux too!
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2020-12-09

  • Jason Fogel: Awesome concept, and I really wanted to like this, but it just doesn't seem to work for me. The apk lets you kind using 3-finger gestures: 2 finger tap, 1 finger swipe up, 3 finger swipe down, etc. Each of those might be a letter. The calibration seemingly really wants your 3 fingers to take up separate thirds of the screen (side by side) so it can tell which finger is which. In particular, it wants your thumb to be to the side of your index finger, NOT under it. The apk doesn't tell you this, but in my experience if any of your fingers are calibrated above/below another fingers, the apk will have a lot of problem differentiating those fingers and the gestures will fail. It also wants your swipes to be straight down or straight up. The effect of this is that I should really only do the gestures with my smartphone lying flat on a desk. If holding the smartphone, your typing hand will always naturally be angled, stacking your fingers and causing the gestures to fail. I should not consistently kind without errors unless the smartphone was on a desk. Additionally, you need to calibrate your fingers with room to spare on top in order to to top-down swipes, but the keyboard doesn't force this.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2019-08-20

  • Al J: There is a learning curve to this apk, but after some practice I found it to be highly... intuitive. I have large hands and kept wanting to extend my fingers like I do with a keyboard, but later realized the apk will calibrate and answer to any hand/finger placement I search comfortable. I'm still progressing through the practice levels and hope to actually implement it with my computer in the future for fun. I do suggest reading the instructions for this apk, it is confusing if you don't.
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-08-25

  • Un known: Tried it. Not practical and very limited language availability. Not also suitable for those using gesture apks like me. 3 stars for effort.
    User rated this game 3/5 on 2020-04-13

  • William Baumann: Not very stable on my older mobile, with frequent crashes just to complete the guide. Practice and speed try seem beautiful incomplete without instruction on capitalization and punctuation.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2020-04-13

  • Christopher Bingham: High rating for potential, I haven't used it a ton yet, it definatley requires a lot of practice. I think a cool use would be a desktop mouse with a touch sensitive top and DotKey
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2020-09-25

  • Argle Bargle: I don't even know how to rate this properly. If I choose the"practice" item on the so to learn how to use it, it simply crashes instantly (Consider this review in suspension. The creators have reached out to search out why I am having issues. Take my negative review with a grain of salt. I always appreciate when developers take the time to listen.)
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-09-05

  • Oz Ozel: It's a brilliant typing system. Player experience of the apk has places for improvement. I accidently switched the typing direction. And learned half of the alphabet in lefty format. Had to relearn everything. I still have a long method to go. Look forward to making this part of my workflow.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2020-01-07

  • Liam Sauer-Wooden: I installed this on my Samsung GTA. The calibration screen does not answer.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-08-22

  • Scott Mills: When trying to connect to my computer, my smartphone will receive out of the camera and looks like it is connected. However I can't receive my smartphone to control any part of the computer. I receive an error saying "DOTKey receiver not responsive". Another than that I think the keyboard is good and it's nice to be able to use my brain whenever I text.
    User rated this game 4/5 on 2019-10-03

    User rated this game 3/5 on 2020-05-06

  • Jairo Uryu Silva: In order for it to function properly, you could use your fingers in a method that will eventually create you injure your tendons. The apk is also taking time to process what's being written, which for me seems counterproductive. Awesome brain exercise though.
    User rated this game 2/5 on 2020-04-13

  • Telma Cabral: Not working Xiaomi mi A1.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2020-04-14


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