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For Android: 4.1 and up Guide: Bluetooth Splitter Pro cheats tutorial
When updated: 2020-03-31 Star Rating: 3.6666667
Name: Bluetooth Splitter Pro hack for android Extension: Apk
Author: Marek Masár File Name: masar.bluetoothsplitter.pro
Current Version: 1.7 User Rating: Everyone
Downloads: 100- Version: mod, apk, unlock
System: Android Type: Education


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About the application:

We suggest to test trial ver of this apk first, to see if your device supports multiple bluetooth connections (see limitations bellow). OVERVIEW This apk acts like a bluetooth splitter between SPP (Serial Port Profile) Bluetooth devices, like micro-controllers with a Bluetooth module (like HC-05, HC-06 etc...), or another Android device devices with Bluetooth terminal apk or related. From ver 1.3 connection to BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth Smart) device is also possible. In such case, player can choose one characteristic from list of retrieved services, which will be used for receiving and sending(Rx+Tx characteristic). Connecting to BLE device is only possible on master side of the apk, therefore for now, only one BLE device can be connected. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is accessible only in Android device 4.3 and later. HOW IT WORKS Communication received from master side (master device) is resended/splitted to all devices on a slave side. Splitter apk can also act as a multiplexer - combine communication from slave devices to a single output stream to a master device. Furthermore, apk can act as an splitter and multiplexer at the same time. Just choose behaviour which you need... This apk does not have the function to make commands for remote devices, it simply takes one Bluetooth stream and splits it to multiple streams - or vice versa by multiplexing streams. If you need to define commands and send them to multiple remote devices simultaneously, then there is Bluetooth Commander Pro which can do exactly that. HOW TO USE APP Just connect to a paired devices. As soon as master device and at least one slave device is connected, splitter becomes active. You can change resending direction or temporary disable it. Connecting to more devices is possible while splitter is active. Combining types of connected devices is possible, BLE device and classic Bluetooth devices can be connected at the same time. LIMITATIONS Number of devices on slave side is not limited, however some smart-phones have problem connecting to a lot of remote devices. Also devices like headsets and Bluetooth speakers are not compatible with this apk, since they use various Bluetooth profile. Therefore it is suggested to test trial ver first. FAQ Q: Can this apk be used for playing melody from multiple bluetooth speakers? A: No, audio devices use various bluetooth profile, neither SPP nor BLE Q: Can I use the apk to connect my smart watch with smartphone? Or apple device with another devices? A: Although BLE devices can be connected, one characteristic is not enough for full-featured communication. Q: Looks like beautiful useless apk. What is it for? A: Bluetooth Splitter Apk is mainly focused on engineers, tool developers, electricians working with microcontrollers who have designed/programmed their devices and have them fully under control. Control boards like Arduino or Raspberry Pi often use bluetooth modules for communication. Such modules are mostly SPP and BLE devices. SUPPORT Found a bug? Missing feature? Just email the developer. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. masarmarek.fy@gmail.com Icon design: icons8.com

Bluetooth Splitter Pro Hack - Gallery:

Bluetooth Splitter Pro screenshot Bluetooth Splitter Pro screenshot Bluetooth Splitter Pro screenshot
Bluetooth Splitter Pro hack free android guides videoreviews photos and help from pro players.
Changes in Bluetooth Splitter Pro:
v1.7<br>- status &#39;active&#39; is now displayed correctly<br>- target SDK updated<br>- minor design changes<br>- bugs
Download apk from Google Play

Reviews and Recent Comments:

  • Matthew C: cant receive it to pair even with one device.
    User rated this game 1/5 on 2019-04-16

  • Shahrin Aidil: Cheaper & Life Saver
    User rated this game 5/5 on 2019-03-31


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